Courtesy of Patrick Landreau
The Partnership Studies Ecolinguistics Circle (PSEC) of the University of Udine is a research group of students, researchers and lecturers interested in ecolinguistics. The Circle is part of the broader Partnership Studies Group which promotes cultural paradigms based on partnership and equality
The PSEC of Udine is involved in different strands of ecolinguistics. Ecolinguistics can be broadly defined as the field investigating ‘the role of language concerning the environment (in its biological/ecological sense)’ (Fill, 2018: 3). Ecolinguistics includes studies about the sustainability of language diversity, language loss and maintenance in a globalized world, how languages contribute to shaping our view of the environment and the role of language and discourse in addressing key ecological issues.
The PSEC is part of the International Ecolinguistics Association (IEA), a network of researchers in the field of ecolinguistics with representatives all over the world.
Here below you will find:
2020-2023 TALES: Telling And Listening to Ecostustainable Stories is part of the PhD research project carried out by Elisa Bertoldi. It is a project based on the collaboration between the Department of Languages and Literatures, Communication, Education and Social Studies of the University of Udine (DILL) and cultural associations and institutions.
The partnership between the University Department and institutions such as museums, libraries and natural parks is aimed to promote eco-sustainable communication among new generations through research and dissemination activities. Link
2017-2019 Ecosustainable narratives in world literatures in English, applied linguistics and language education: transcultural and partnership models (ENEA) PI: Antonella Riem; Participants: Maria Bortoluzzi, Deborah Saidero, Valentina Boschian Bailo, Mattia Mantellato, Elisa Bertoldi (University of Udine)
The project aims at promoting mutual understanding and positive social change at times of mobility fluxes and mass migration of peoples. The Research Unit will consider the impact myths have on our world-view and study narratives presenting a dialogue with the other as ‘alter’, the partner within us, rather than as ‘aliud’, the stranger. The project centers on partnership mediation, intercultural strategies in English literatures, applied linguistics and plurilingual education promoting a poetics of relation and partnership, which transcend the scientistic and technocratic attitudes linked with domination and bio-imperialism. The complementary views of postcolonialism and ecocriticism illustrate the constitutive relations between literary, linguistic, cultural, social and environmental concerns. The project’s innovative interaction of partnership, postcolonial studies, ecocriticism and discourse studies aims at contextualizing the transnational cultural and literary imagination and rethinking plurilingual education in terms of equal relationships among civilizations.
June 2019 – May 2020: Environmental Stories in English L2 (ESEL2) Maria Bortoluzzi, Elisa Bertoldi. Aims of the project: involve university language students, adolescents and children (secondary and primary school) in collaborative, socially relevant, environmental projects through communication and econarratives; promote motivation in L2 language learning for socially relevant communication; empower university students, adolescents and children to become positive agents of change through environmental narratives and learning-by-doing; establish contacts between university language and literature courses and teacher education, local schools and naturalistic associations and organizations (local and international) for improving on environmental communication and practices in English as lingua franca.
June 2018- May 2019: Storytelling in English L2 for young learners and adolescents in informal contexts of acquisition is a partnership between the University of Udine and the Municipal Library V. Joppi of Udine (Italy). The project focuses on helping children improve their competences in English L2 through narration in the interaction with expert adults and/or other children. The initiative Let’s Tell a Tale, storytelling activities in English for children from 4 to 8 years old in the local libraries of Udine area, is part of the project: this year the main theme of narrations and storytelling activities is Nature and Ecology. Through picture books for children, storytellers will promote behaviors and practices respectful of nature and environment. They will approach themes which are relevant to inform, educate and inspire children to respect and protect our natural world, and encourage them to become stewards of the environment in which we live. To more information on the initiatives and the project, visit the Storytelling page in the YELL blog or follow @LetsTellaTale2 on Twitter.

Courtesy of Patrick Landreau
PSEC is a multilingual Circle and research is carried out in a variety of languages.
Bertoldi, Elisa (2022). Weaving English as a second language around partnership narratives for children. In Riem A. and Hughes-d’Aeth T. (eds.). Ecosustainable Narratives. Partnership Relationships in World Literatures in English, Applied Linguistics and Language Education. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 128-141. ISBN 1-5275-8228-0
Bortoluzzi, Maria (2022). Environmental Crisis and Pandemic Emergency: News Stories of Erasure and Awareness. In Riem, Antonella and Hughes-d’Aeth, Tony (eds). Ecosustainable Narratives. Partnership Relationships in World Literatures in English, Applied Linguistics and Language Education. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 89-102. ISBN 1-5275-8228-0
Shirley Maria Batista (2022). Mariana and Brumadinho: Voices of Victims and Justice in the Environmental Disaster of Minas Gerais. Unpublished Post-graduate dissertation. University of Udine, Italy. Abstract_Shirley Maria Batista
Bortoluzzi, Maria (2021). Review of the book by Arran Stibbe (2021, 2nd ed.) Ecolinguistics. Language, Ecology and the Stories We Live By. London – New York: Routledge. Review published in Le Simplegadi, 19, 21, pp: 109-111, https://le-simplegadi.it/article/view/1461/0
Boschian Bailo, Valentina (2021). Communicating Environmental Migration. Strategic Representations in the Discourse of International Organisations and News Discourse. PhD thesis. University of Udine, Italy.
21 Seeds (2021). Leaves for life: Text analysis for awareness raising. Language and Ecology, 1-50, http://www.ecoling.net
Bertoldi, Elisa (2020). Creating Bridges With Nature: Storytelling in English L2 for Children. In Riem A. and Thieme J. Ecology and Partnership Studies in Anglophone Narratives. Udine: Forum, 133-144. ISBN 978-88-3283-206-8
Bertoldi, Elisa and Maria Bortoluzzi (2019). Let’s Tell a Tale. Storytelling with Children in English L2. Udine: Forum Editrice. Online Companion
Boschian Bailo, Valentina (ed.) Cristiana Tonon, Larissa Paesani, Gabriella Sidari, Valentina Zanin, Stefano Boldi and Erika Capovilla (2019). Shaping Self: Ecolinguistic Studies of Identity. Language and Ecology, 1-18, http://ecolinguistics-association.org/journal/4563035324.
Boschian Bailo, Valentina (ed), Agnese Cemulini, Giulia Tonelli, Melanie Magistro, Giulia Regini, Giulia Bozza, Ilaria Franz, Sara Decorte, Ilaria Boato and Giorgia Salvador (2018). Ecolinguistic Stories of Resilience. Language and Ecology, 1-22, http://ecolinguistics-association.org/journal/4563035324.
Collaoni, Federico (2017). Grenzen der Sprachen und Grenzen der Sprachwissenschaft in der Ökolinguistik. Grenzen der Sprachen – Grenzen der Sprachwissenschaft Band I (Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław 13). Bartoszewicz, I., Szczęk, J., Tworek, A. eds. Dresden: Neisse Verlag, 43-54.
Living Together on this Earth: Eco-Sustainable Narratives and Environmental Concerns in English Literature/s. 2017. Special issue of Le Simplegadi, 15, 17, http://all.uniud.it/simplegadi/wp-content/uploads/Simplegadi-15-17-2017.pdf
Bortoluzzi, Maria (2017). Multimodal Awareness in Ecology Discourse for Children Education.Le Simplegadi, 15, 17, 126-139, http://all.uniud.it/simplegadi/?p=1521
Boschian Bailo, Valentina (2016). La costruzione dell’identità nelle pratiche giornalistiche: il caso dei rifugiati. Le Simplegadi, 15, 17, 361-369, http://all.uniud.it/simplegadi/?p=1571
Ghdaye, Katarina (ed), Katarina Ghdaye, Valentina Boschian Bailo, Eliana Fortunato, Sidonia Gadient, Ilenia Gosgnach, Mattia Mantellato, Martina Napolitano, Federica Rinaldi and Gemma Roman (2016). Ecolinguistic Perspectives on Our Surroundings. Language and Ecology, 1-20, http://ecolinguistics-association.org/journal/4563035324.
Bortoluzzi, Maria (2010). Participation and Emotion in BBC Online News and Blogposts: A Snapshot on Climate Change. ELOPE. English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries, 8, Autumn: 7-26, ISSN 1581-8918, https://revije.ff.uni-lj.si/elope/article/view/3256
Bortoluzzi, Maria (2010). Energy and Its Double: A Case-study in Critical Multimodal Analysis. Thresholds and Potentialities of Systemic Functional Linguistics: Applications to other disciplines, specialised discourses and language other than English.Swain E.A. ed. Trieste: Edizioni Universitarie Trieste, 158-181, ISBN 978-88-8303-275-2, http://hdl.handle.net/10077/3658.
Bortoluzzi, Maria (2009). Towards a Framework of Critical Multimodal Analysis: Emotion in a Film Trailer. Cross-Modal Analysis of Speech, Gestures, Gaze and Facial Expressions.Esposito A. & Vich R. eds. Berlin: Springer Verlag, LNAI 5641: 50-62, ISBN 976-3-642-03319-3, http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-03320-9_6?LI=true
Bortoluzzi, Maria (2009). An Inconvenient Truth: Multimodal Emotions in Identity Construction.Electronic Emotion, the Mediation of Emotion via Information and Communication Technologies.Vincent J. & Fortunati L. eds. Oxford: Peter Lang, 137-164, ISBN 978-3-03911-866-3.
Vasta, Nicoletta & Bortoluzzi, Maria (2007). Interactional Frames and Structures of Expectations: the Construction of Roles and Identities in TOTAL’s Advertising campaign. Contatti, 2/2007 Pubblici Intrecci Attese.Brusati L. & Cattarinussi B. Udine: Forum Editrice, 103-127, ISSN: 1826-6002.
Maria Bortoluzzi (2022). Invited guest at Language and Ecology I-LanD Seminar Series – 2nd Edition. Università l’Orientale di Napoli (Italy). 23 November 2022.
Shirley Maria Batista (2022). Mariana e Brumadinho: Vozes di vítimas e justiça no desastre ambiental de Minas Gerais. V Encontro Brasileiro de Ecolínguistica (V EBE). UNB, Universidade Federal de Tocantins, UFT, Brasil. 20-22 October 2022.
Maria Bortoluzzi (2022). Plant representation and time frames in discourses to preserve ecosystems. The Sixth International Conference on Ecolinguistics (ICE-6). Language, Time and Sustainability: Ecolinguistics For, With, After and Against the Future. University of Graz, Austria. 21 – 24 September 2022.
Elisa Bertoldi (2022). Temporalities in picturebook mediation: children’s environmental education in read-aloud sessions. The Sixth International Conference on Ecolinguistics (ICE-6). Language, Time and Sustainability: Ecolinguistics For, With, After and Against the Future. University of Graz, Austria. 21 – 24 September 2022.
Maria Bortoluzzi and Elisabetta Zurru (2022). Seminar convenors (17 September 2022). Ecolinguistics and Ecoliteracies: Interpreting our Present and Acting for our Future. The seminar will take place during the 30th AIA Conference: Experiment and innovation: branching forwards and backwards, University of Catania, 16-18 September 2021.
Bertoldi, Elisa (2021). Creating Bridges through Ecosustainable TALES: Storytelling in English L2 with Children. 1st International Conference Storytelling as a Cultural Practice – Pedagogical and Linguistic Perspectives.Free University of Bozen, 8th – 9th October
Bortoluzzi, Maria and Bertoldi, Elisa (2019). Storytelling in English L2. Taking teachers and teachers educators “out of”… school and university, XXIX AIA Conference 2019. Thinking Out of the Box in Language, Literature, Cultural and Translation Studies: Questioning Assumptions, Debunking Myths, Trespassing Boundaries, Università di Padova, 5th-7th September.
Boschian Bailo, Valentina (2019). Communicating environmental migration: strategic representations, XXIX AIA Conference 2019. Thinking Out of the Box in Language, Literature, Cultural and Translation Studies: Questioning Assumptions, Debunking Myths, Trespassing Boundaries, Università di Padova, 5th-7th September.
Collaoni, Federico and Trevisan, Eric (2019). Emission Scandal here, Climate Targets there. Framing Patterns in German and Italian Dieselgate-News Discourse, The 4thInternational Conference of Ecolinguistics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense Campus, 12th-15thAugust.
Bortoluzzi, Maria, Marenzi, Ivana and Bertoldi, Elisa (2019). Online special-interest communities for language learning and teaching: YELL/TELL for Storytelling inEnglish L2, Symposium: CALLmi: Where are we going? Current and future trends in MALL and CALL, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Campus di Milano, 23th -24th May.
Boschian Bailo, Valentina (2019). Representations of environmental migration in the discourse of international organisations and newspapers, Human and non human migration and mobility symposium, University of Brighton, 25th March.
Bortoluzzi, Maria, Marenzi, Ivana and Bertoldi, Elisa (2019). Storytelling in English L2 for responsible citizenship education:Re-framing narratives about the environment, International Conference: Educating the Global Citizen – International Perspectives on Foreign Language Teaching in the Digital Age, University of Munich (Germany), 25th-28thMarch.
Boschian Bailo, Valentina (2018). Representations of placelessness, AIA Seminar 2018. On the move: sites of change, states of insecurity, Università di Macerata, 17th-19th May.
Before 2018
Bortoluzzi, Maria and Marenzi, Ivana (2014). Ecology for children in open-access websites: A study on multimodal and multiliteracy awareness, 47th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistic. Learning, Working and Communicating in a Global Context, University of Warwick (UK), 4th-6th September.
Bortoluzzi, Maria (2012). Multimodal awareness and metasemiotic strategies for children in ecology discourse for educational purposes, ACT Access Through Texts Meeting, University of Messina (Italy), 11th-12th November.
Bortoluzzi, Maria (2010). Changing Emotions about the Climate: Online News and Citizens, ESSE Conference, Seminar Multimodal Discourse Practices – Globalisation and Localisation, University of Turin (Italy), 24th-28th August.
Bortoluzzi, Maria (2006). Critical Multimodal Analysis: Energy and Its Double, The 18thEuro-International Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference and Workshop, Gorizia, University of Trieste (Italy), 20th-22nd July.