
2018-19: Storytelling in English L2 for young learners and adolescents in informal contexts of acquisition (Università di Udine and the Municipal Librari V. Joppi of Udine)

2018: living bodies@blurring realities (Università di Udine)

2017: Via della narrazione: i saperi migranti  (Università di Udine)

2016: Numbers (Università di Udine)

2009-2011: Aspetti interculturali e di partnership: multilinguismo e letterature pluricentriche (Università di Udine).

2009 PRIN (national research project): “Creative word” and “Positivist Term” in the Languages and Literatures in English: Intercultural and Partnership Models. Research units: University of Udine, University of Salento.

2007 PRIN (national research project): The mythic and archetypal contribution of the feminine sacred in the construction of a personal, social and political identity: English pre-Romantic/Romantic literature and post-colonial literatures. Research units: University of Udine, University “Sacro Cuore” of Milan, University of Salento.

2005 PRIN (national research project): Archetypes and myths of the feminine sacred in the construction of a national identity:  English Renaissance/Late Renaissance literature and post-colonial literatures. Research units: University of Udine, University “Sacro Cuore” of Milan, University of Salento.

2005-2008 INTERLINK (International Research Project): Partnership Models in World Literatures Written in English: Theoretical and Pragmatic Implications. Research units: University of Udine, University of Salento, Bangalore University, Mysore University (India), The Center for Partnership Studies (CPS, California, U.S.A.).

2004 Regional Law no. 15/87: Il processo di fondazione di una cultura di pace (University of Udine).

2003-2008: Regional Law no. 15/96: Culture a confronto: l’emigrazione friulana Oltreoceano (University of Udine).

2003-2005 Regional Law no. 3/98: Aspetti multidisciplinari per la fondazione di una cultura di partnership: istanze di comunità, relazioni sociali, contesto internazionale (University of Udine).
